Company data

Hotel Alba Serena

Company name: Gestihotels di Giavolucci Michele & C. S.n.c.
Registered office: Via Alberello, 6 - 47843 - Misano Adriatico - RN
Phone: +39 0541 615576
Company registry office: Camera di Commercio della Romagna - Forlì - Cesena e Rimini
Tax ID: 02 304 750 405
VAT number: 02 304 750 405
Certified email address (PEC):
Economic & Administrative Index (REA): RN - 255971
Legal status: Società in nome collettivo
Deed of incorporation date: 16/02/1994
Date of registration in company register: 06/05/1994
Date of latest registration: 24/05/2021